Friday, April 11, 2008



This is my first in what I hope to be a long string of posts that will enable people to shed off the chains of ignorance, change the way things are done in this country, enable people to live better lives with less government interference, help to make judges more accountable for their actions and all sorts of other things that I see need to be done to make this nation and thus the world a better place.

As I was thinking about all the things that were wrong with this country and why things are going so wrong and what could be or needs to be done about them, I realized that the only way for me to actually take responsibility for everything that I see needs to be rectified is for me to run for President of the United States of America.

I decided that the first step in order to gain the candidacy is for people to see what my views are, what my ideas are and who I am and what I think we as a nation could do in order to effect change in this country.

Firstly, let's address the IRS and the income tax as a whole.

I am not an "expert" on the income tax code, although I have read copious amounts of information regarding the code, the implementation of tax laws, the enforcement of these codes etc. I do not want to argue the merits of any argument regarding "861" loopholes, citizenry loopholes, "wage" loopholes etc.

I want to argue for a change, an abolishment of the income tax.

There is nothing stated in any document that we regard as law in this nation that says we as a people need to put up with an oppressive, privacy invading, hard to implement, impossible to ensure 100% compliance, production penalizing tax for any longer than we already have.

I would love to meet any American that says they love to pay income taxes. Sure, people will and do pay their income taxes, but that is not the same as wanting to or desiring to, so why don't we as a nation, who are supposed to be represented by LAWMAKERS in Washington, do something about it.

I think that people do not understand that they can very easily repeal the "law" that establishes the IRS "right" to take people's money away from them that they have worked for, how can we as a nation allow this to happen. This is akin to a protection racket run by mobsters and other types of extortionists. For example, let's say that you run a bakery, you wake up at 4:00 a.m. every morning in order to get some donuts out on the shelves, you do all the work and do so in order to provide for yourself and your family.

That is all well and good until someone that you don't know, that is interested in doing things that you don't need or want them to do, comes up to you at 7:30 in the morning, after you have been at work for 3 and a half hours and says to you "Hey, I set up a perimeter around the town and now we have people protecting the town and we are supporting people that aren't working and they are doing drugs and we are doing research into things that can kill everyone on the planet and enforcing our ideas upon innocent civilians at gunpoint all around the world and we need to take 15% of the money you made today and everyday until you aren't making money anymore."

Or it could be a simple, "Hey, if you don't give me 15% of your earnings, we will through you in jail. Or beat your ass." Really not much different than your local bully.

So, why do we as Americans put up with this? Why don't we do something about it?

I don't know, but this blog and my eventual presidential campaign hope to address this.

Let's take a look at some specific statistics and anecdotal evidence regarding the income tax.

As a first piece of evidence, let's take a look at this statement from Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest men on the planet, ever.

"This past summer Warren Buffett decried the fact that without any tax planning he pays federal taxes at 18%, far lower than his secretary's 30%. Buffett remarks, "There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning." The reason that Buffett's federal taxes are so low is that much of his income is treated as capital gains. A capital gains tax is the tax levied on the profit realized upon the sale of a capital asset, such as stock or real estate. Earned income rates apply, on the other hand, on compensation received when one goes to work and receives a paycheck. In the US, the federal capital gains tax is 15% while the earned income rates range up to 35%."

Allright, so that is one problem in particular, the IRS says that everyone is supposed to be paying their share, but then they go on to say that people that make most of their money off of investments (ie off of other peoples labor, creativeness or hard work) get to actually pay less percentage of taxes than the average working man.

Allright, let's look at some other information regarding the hypocrisy of the US Government and the IRS: The Department of Defense, already infamous for spending $640 for a toilet seat, once again finds itself under intense scrutiny, only this time because it couldn't account for more than a trillion dollars in financial transactions, not to mention dozens of tanks, missiles and planes.
So, while you can potentially be audited because you failed to hold onto a gas station receipt from 7 years ago, only to have all sorts of penalties and other hassles imposed upon you, the government can "misplace" or fail to account for more money than you and all your friends, family, city or state could make in this or any year.

So, why do they expect us to account for every dime that we earn?

Where does the money go that is extracted from us everyday via the income tax?

So, what about the arguments that the income tax helps support govt programs, helps us have better roads or anything else like that, it is all bullshit!

When I am President, I will not be afraid to tell it like it is and I won't let anybody tell me what I can and cannot say and neither should you.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! More to come in later posts, but I want you to think about this.

What would happen if everyone of us, every corporation, every individual stopped paying this ludicrous tax, stopped sending in returns and stopped thinking about the IRS everytime we get a paycheck, every stock trade we make money on, every business decision, every investment decision, we always weigh our tax penalty for making more money or we have to weigh how we are going to hide money or write off more money for deductions. What would happen if all the bright people, all the tax lawyers, all the accountants, all the decision makers, all the people of intelligence could use their intelligence and labor for something more productive than giving the government the least amount of money that they can legally get away with and start using their brains to increase production, viability, profitability and long term survival of the industries that they are involved in.

It is time for us as a nation to rise up and tell our lawmakers through words and actions that we are not going to put up with these extortionary measures any longer!!!

Call or write your Congressman or Senator. Call or write the President.

This was a great nation, it can become one again. Our Founding Fathers based this nation upon the ideas that Freedom and Liberty were paramount, how can we say that this is being followed with the Income Tax system in place. You are not "free" to work, you are forced into servitude for 25% of the year in order to live for the rest of the year.

There is a better way!!!

That is for the next post....

1 comment:

Courtney Karl said...

Checking to see how the comments section is working